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How to save your business thousands in legal fees?


08 April 2022

Reports in 2020 estimated that SMEs in the UK lost £40 billion that arose from legal issues. However, businesses can avoid this by being proactive and taking action. Business owners can potentially save thousands with a regulatory audit.  

Company directors need to be aware of their responsibility to ensure their organisations meet stringent policies and procedures under the law. Legal compliance can avoid costly fines and litigation as well as prevent potential loss of reputation, business, credit lines and even a criminal conviction.  

Regulatory issues covered include:  

Stephen Harvey QC barrister states that:   

“Regulatory compliance is something that cannot be ignored. Large organisations employ vast teams to keep on top of changing regulations. SMEs and smaller companies can now benefit from this affordable regulatory “health-check”, which will put minds at rest about any official visits, as a result of a specific complaint or just by way of a routine inspection.”  

Engaging an expert barrister in regulatory law ensures that all legal requirements are adhered to by implementing the correct safety procedures under ever-changing legislation. Getting professional help will potentially save your business thousands of pounds.  

One business owner stated that:   

“We have just finished our first ‘health-check’ with Stephen and we’re surprised to learn just how wrong we had some things. We were focused on what we were doing, but some of the ways we were doing it could have resulted in action by the authorities. Stephen took the time to understand what we were doing and what we needed to achieve”.  

~ MB. Business Owner.  

Invest in ensuring that you are compliant with your business’s long-term sustainability. Take control today and resolve a future legal dispute with a regulatory audit with our specialist barrister, Stephen Harvey QC. 

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